Sunday, October 5, 2008


I loved this conference weekend and all the messages that were given! Elder Bednar spoke about prayer and challenged us to pray about all the things we are grateful for.....nothing more. I have taken that challenge, but also thought I could post some things that I am grateful for this last weekend.

I am GRATEFUL for my beautiful family. I am GRATEFUL for the gospel and the guidance it gives me each day. I am GRATEFUL for living prophets who receive revelation in our behalf. I am GRATEFUL I was able to plant a small garden in hopes of becoming more self-reliant. I am GRATEFUL that Michael was able to attend the Priesthood session. I am GRATEFUL that we had a chance to go out on a date after the Priesthood session. I am GRATEFUL that Michael decided we should turn around and head back home when the radio started to die in the car on the way to our movie. I am GRATEFUL that the car died in an area where we were able to get in on the side of the road without harm. I am GRATEFUL for Elder Wirthlin's talk during the Saturday afternoon session that reminded us to laugh through it all. I am GRATEFUL that our neighbor was able to come and help us get the car home. I am GRATEFUL that we had another vehicle to drive to the Blockbuster to replace the date night movie at the theater. I am GRATEFUL that we had some left over prescription when Hannah awoke with the croup later that same night. I am GRATEFUL for the priesthood and a worthy husband who blesses our home. I am GRATEFUL for a cozy home to live in and food to eat. I am GRATEFUL for the atonement and the meaning it gives to my life. And last, but not least, I am GRATEFUL for my children who play together nice.....most of the time.


Heidi said...

I'm so sorry about your car! I love that little movie, have some cute children.

Unknown said...

These kinds of posts are so wonderful! It's great to be uplifted by friends. I appreciated your last few comments on my blog and I can't tell you how glad I am that we're back in touch! Thanks!

Denys said...

Thanks for being "grateful". After a really rough night of getting the kids down, it's nice to hear. Cool about your garden, too. :)

mrs. timberlake said...

perhaps my favorite bast video yet.