Monday, May 4, 2009

This is what I found on the computer today

DEAR Mother,
To day I’m writing to tell you that how much I love you.
You are awesome, and you are the hardest working mother
I’ve seen in my entire life. Also, just so you know mothers day
Is almost here! So, expect a gift from Dad . You are the most
Hard working mom ever and very kind.
You are the best ever (don’t tell dad) and you are very loving
And cautious. You are the best mom ever.


P.S. you are awesome!


The Chambers said...

OK, that's the sweetest most precious thing I have ever heard. I hope my kids are half as beautiful and sweet as yours. You really are a wonderful mother, those kids are so blessed to have you. I tell you all the time I hope I'm half as wonderful as you are. If that didn't make your day, I don't know what would. Oh and I love the part about dad will be getting you a present. :)

Todd, Lara, Aubrey, and Graham said...

That is so sweet! What a good boy.

Melissa P said...

That is so sweet! I bet you were sitting there crying.
It is nice to know you are actually appreciated sometimes.

Denys said...

Lucky you! What a sweet, sweet boy!

Melinders said...

How Sweet!!! It truly makes all of the hard work worth it when they do things like that. That is so thoughtful of him. You really are a GREAT mom!!!

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh! Did your heart just melt into a liquid pool on the floor? What a sweet little boy you have there!

Jann said...

That is definitely a note to keep. You can pull it out when he is being a teenager. He is so sweet.

Ellen Rae said...

What a special boy! I can't tell you how much I love him. I am so looking forward for school to be out so that we can have him for awhile. I'm counting the days. I can't wait to see Weston and Hannah too!

PBM&C said...

Very, very pleasant of the subtle perks of this tiring job of ours! His note is a treasure! I agree with it when he is being a teenager....this is why I keep a "Catch 'em doing good" book....really the only journaling that I do at all.

El Golden Stallion said...

It just goes to show how easy it is to dupe all you sappy women! I am sure Caden had probably just plugged the toilet or broke my TV and was hoping that he could butter up his mom, so the wrath from above would be tempered. Of course all you silly girls think he is so sweet and kind... have you seen those blue eyes? There is nothing but mischievous things floating behind those eyes, but oh no... "he is so sweet", "what a good boy", "Thats the most precious thing".... Saps! Thats what you all are, saps!

The Chambers said...

lol LOVE michael's comment. He cracks me up. Hey Sarah, could you do me a favor and tell Amy that I want an invitation to her blog. She left me a comment, but I can't get to hers!

mrs. timberlake said...


Love it! So glad to see a post like this following your previous post. Such a roller coaster these days are......

p.s. You can tell Michael to KISS IT.