Monday, December 1, 2008

Post for Antha

Yesterday, Michael mentioned that he needed a creative outlet. We talked for a while about things he could do using his creative energy considering the limited amount of time available in his busy life. I really like this story he had started as a screenplay some time ago. I think I have convinced him that he should write a book about this story. He is such a talented writer and I think it would be a great book. I am not sure if all of this talking sparked some childhood memories or what, but just a few minutes later he was outside digging in the dirt. He was building a fort with the kids! I actually got involved by gathering some tree limbs to build the forest. I had to take some pictures. After taking some pictures, Michael told me that this post would be for his cousin Antha. He and Anthony used to build forts like this all the time. So, this is for you Antha. Michael is passing on the tradition to his boys!

Hannah came in the house with some dirt on her mouth. I figure she ingested a good amount of protein!

P.S. Michael started writing last night....and can I just tell you he is amazing! I am really excited to keep him writing!


Jann said...

How great. I am sure your kids loved doing this.

Heidi said...

You guys make me wish I had some dirt in which I could build a fort...and weather that would be more conducive to being outside!

Denys said...

Hannah is just sooo cute!! That's cool that Michael is a good writer. I think Ethan wants to write a book someday too. The fort looked too fun! Enjoy your AZ winter! :)

Unknown said...

That fort is awesome!! What a cool tradition to keep going.

I think writing fever is going around! Yea for creativity!! I can't wait to hear more!

mrs. timberlake said...

I remember the summer that Rich, Ellen and Mikey came to live with us after Rich finished the last of his residency training and they were looking for a house. I had my best friend for a 3 MONTH LONG spend-the-night! We spent HOURS outside in the sandbox, building lush jungles, swampy marshlands, and defensible fortresses for Duke and Snake Eyes against Cobra: "a ruthless terrorist organization determined to rule the world". Those were excellent times my friend, and it is good to see you back out in the dirt.

Melissa P said...

I remember spending hours in your sandbox as kids. That was my husband's number one thing for our yard. Our kids spend hours out there in the summer. It looks like they are having a blast.