Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Catching up...again!

I have neglected my blog. I know. I feel really bad. Well, maybe not that bad. I was just enjoying the Holiday break with family and good food! So, here are a few things that have happened in the last little bit.

The weekend before Christmas, Michael's family came to stay with us for the weekend. We had such a great time with them. I love when they come. My mother-in-law is like my "out", I like to say. I love when she is here and spending time with her. We watched some movies, went shopping and ate some yummy food. We had Michael's uncle come over with his kids on Sunday for some good food. I made this fabulous recipe that is just like the Cafe Rio sweet pork salad. It is so delicious! Everyone loved it! My Dad stopped by with some more Christmas gifts. We all chatted and then read the story of Christ's birth.

On Christmas Eve, I decided to get the house nice and clean for Santa to come. It is so much nicer to wake up to a clean house, open presents and then take a nap. I opened the front door to run the garbage outside and when I returned, there was a bird in our house. It must have been hiding from the rain outside and flew in while I was emptying the trash. It took us a good 15 minutes to get the bird out of the house. What an adventure!

Santa did decide to stop by our house with a few things. The kids enjoyed opening presents and playing with each other. I enjoyed taking a nap!

In other news, my garden has been doing well. At least until the freeze a couple of nights ago. My tomato plants froze and look horrible! I think a little part of the plant survived. Maybe we can keep it going? My broccoli is still great! I have already harvested a couple of heads and I am so excited they did so well!

This is such a good time of year to go outside, since the summer is way too hot. However, when it rains here, our backyard stays wet for a long time. It does not see very much sun. And it is still just dirt. Not a great combination. But, I figured the kids should be able to go outside and play to their hearts content while I watered the plants. Hannah did not hesitate one bit. She got sooooo muddy.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, just as we did!


The Chambers said...

sooooo cute! i wish tra' and I got to come play and eat yummy food with ya'll. I love food. sounds like everyone had a fantastic Christmas. i love the pic of hannah all muddy. she must have been in heaven. and don't ever wait two whole weeks again to post something...i about went CRAZY! happy NEW YEAR! miss you!

Melinders said...

I'm so jealous you get to have fresh garden veggies. It sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas. I hope you have a happy new year. That is crazy that bird flew in your house. I would have been freaking out.

PBM&C said...

Thank you for writing and posting such adorable pictures too! This is the only way that I get to see you....DANG IT! We had a great Christmas too...but you know that because I have talked to you, literally, a million times since Christmas.....none of it regretable. Thanks sis! My goodness....a new year of insanity is upon us....tomorrow!

Unknown said...

It looks like you guys had a blast! Dang I wish I was there to have that delicious salad! I miss Cafe Rio- thanks for bringing it up! haha.

Ellen Rae said...

I was so excited to see that you posted some Christmas pictures. I love the pictures of the kids and Hannah in the dirt. I wish we could be there for New Years. Love you guys!

Unknown said...

Mmm... the fresh veggies sound so good! Pass the broccoli! That picture of Hannah is so dang cute! There's nothing wrong with a mud bath every now and again.

What a fun holiday you've had! I would love to have family coming and going like that! Happy New year!

Melissa P said...

That is nice you can grow veggies in the winter. I love the mud picture. That is the only thing I miss about living in Vegas. The winter's were so nice. It sounds like you had a fun Christmas.