Friday, January 9, 2009

A New Year's Just Begun!

Time seems to go faster as I get older. I still remember when I was in High School and thought that the year 2000 would never come. Yet, it has come and gone....quickly. Many things have changed and continue to change. As for my New Year's resolutions, I have none. Well, I guess I can't say none. I must admit I am not one for the New Year's resolutions. Instead, I started a new family tradition for Christmas time. It is the time that we celebrate the birth of Christ and read about the many gifts that were brought in celebration. Christ gave us the greatest gift of all. I figure in replacement of New Year's resolutions, we give our "gift" to Christ. I made a box that is mod podged and wrapped with a beautiful ribbon. Inside is a picture of Jesus Christ and it says, "My Gift to Christ". We all wrote on a piece of paper what our "gift" to Him would be throughout this next year. So, in a sense it is a resolution for the new year, but with a spiritual twist. I will get the box out for next years decorations and replace the old paper with a new one. I hope we can keep it going!

New Year's Eve was pretty uneventful. We decided to be spontaneous and go visit Grandma and Grandpa Bast in St. Johns for the weekend. I cleaned and packed on New Year's Eve and we headed out in the morning. We had a lot of fun up there. We kept ourselves busy playing games, watching movies and we even went to the mountains for some tubing! It was fun and I would have stayed longer if I did not have little kids. As you can see, the outfits are awesome! Ellen got out her 80's gear and that is what we wore. Weston looked great in his pink outfit and Caden was teased for wearing his mom's boots. We drove hom Sunday morning through some snow and rain storms.

Monday afternoon Grandma and Grandpa Webster flew in to town and we met them for dinner. My mom took me shopping for some new clothes and we also went to the zoo with the kids. They all seemed to enjoy the zoo and seeing all the animals. It was so much fun to see my mom, since I don't see her all that often. With all the pictures taken, I didn't get one with either my Mom or Dad. How pathetic!

Needless to say, we enjoyed all the visits and I am pooped! I think the kids got an overload of grandparents. They have only been whining the last couple of days and I am about ready to change my name. No more mom....maybe Georgina?


The Chambers said...

OK those are the cutest pics of you guys all geared up in the 80's essentials. Love it! I'm so jealous. Now I miss the makes the holidays feel so real. And that is so wonderful that you got to see your mom and dad. I know what that feels like not being able to see them that's so much fun when you get too! The kids are spoiled...but they only live once right, might as well. Well I wish I was there! ♥ you all!

Ellen Rae said...

I love the pictures! I know the kids may have gotten an overload of Grandparents but the Grandparents are now going though Grandchildren withdrawal. I can't get enough of them and when they leave I feel like something is missing without all the loves and kisses. So I just wait for the pictures and think about the next visit. I would love to have it like when I grew up with my grandparents a block away. Then I could see them every day.

Unknown said...

I love that tradition! Good luck keeping it up!

It sounds like your New Year's celebrations were a lot of fun! I would love to go tubing! It wouldn't last too long with two little ones I'm sure.

Ellen Rae said...

Sarah, could you send me the pictures of the snow with all of you? I want to put it as my background. I tried to from the pictures on the blog but they are to small and when I made them larger, the detail was gone. Thanks!

PBM&C said...

So fun! I am so glad that you got to see the grandmas and grandpas! The pictures are so great! Looks like you had a terrific time. I miss you so much!

Unknown said...

Okay 80's! I love it! It looks like so much fun! You need to come up again! I am so bored! haha. Or we need to go down there. Love the pics

Camille said...

It sounds like you had lots of fun with the holidays and grandparent visits. I bet it's nice to be back to school and the routine, at least that's how I feel.

Melissa P said...

That looks like a lot of fun. Does Becky have a blog? I used to love to go tubing. I am a bummer mom. I never take my kids.

Melinders said...

Looks so fun!! We only get to go down about 4 times and my kids have had it. It is also a really big workout carrying the kids and the tube back up the hill. Not like I don't need a good workout.