Friday, January 30, 2009

For the Kids

After having the in-laws down last week, spending the weekend in St. Johns and finally getting sick kids better, I am posting. This one is for the kids.

Just a couple of nights ago, Caden came to me with this paper.

He had created a pamphlet to go along with a museum he put together in the front room. He was my little tour guide and showed me all of the significant pieces in this museum. They consisted of the sleeping boy(Weston really fell asleep on the floor), a harmonica, marshmallow gun, miniature car, and the leaning tower of Macaroni and Cheese(made from the boxes in the pantry). I laughed so hard! It was sooo cute!

Here is just another testament to the fact that I probably show the kids way too much television! Weston has watched an episode of Blue's Clue's where they all make up games. Joe made up a game called "Presto change Joe". Joe says that phrase, disappears off screen and comes back with something different about him. Well, yesterday on our way home from the store Weston says, "Presto change Joe". I see him take his crocs off and insert one of the heels of the shoe inside the other shoe. He then holds it up to his ear like a phone and says, "Hello! What are you doing today?"

To go along with that story, Weston took Hannah's necklace from her this morning and ran. He took it over to the couch and placed it under some pillows. He looked at me and said, "You'll never find it now! Hahaha!" For those of you that don't have kids that watch Dora, this is what Swiper says when he "swipes" something from Dora and hides it. That kid cracks me up!

And poor Hannah! She is finally feeling better and wanting to play. I was writing my grocery list when I see her trying to climb on the piano bench. She slipped off, fell on her back and the bench came with her landing smack on her eye. Poor thing cried and cried and now she has one beautiful black eye. Note to self: Keep the piano bench UNDER the piano at all times!


Melissa P said...

Kids are never dull. That is so cute your little boy created a museum, that reminds me of your brother Jim. I could see him doing that when he was little. I also let my kids watch way too much t.v.

Denys said...

Love the kids stories! Poor Hannah! I loved Caden's imaginitive "museum" and hearing Weston apply what he is learning, even if it is on tv. :)

PBM&C said...

Oh Sar-rah-rah! Just like you said about my post....this is so funny and it was even funnier hearing it from you on the phone! Isn't it good that these kids keep us on our toes? Things really are never the same....even though we think that they are. This is such a good reminder and it is good that you wrote it down so that you never forget it!

The Chambers said...

What an adventure! Tra' only keeps me laughing for so long sometimes...:) and poor Hannah! that makes me so sad! but her first black gotta make up a cool story, not that the piano bench one was boring or anything. and Weston...I wish I was there more to hear all these funny things in real life! I miss my babies so much. I hope one day we can live closer together, and shop together, and LAUGH together! Miss you and love you! give everyone xoxox!

Ellen Rae said...

I wish I could have taken the Museum Tour! I think my grandkids are the smartest and the cutest kids ever. I'll bet Hannah never pulls the bench on herself again. I'm so sad she hurt herself. Give her kisses from me. In fact kisses for all of them! I miss you all.

Unknown said...

Oh no! Poor Hannah!

Weston and Caden sound like so much fun! I would love a museum tour guide! What a fun bunch you have there! Xander's still in the "let's play chase" stage of childhood. (Maybe it's not a stage. James was big into cross country and track in HS and College.) Though every once and awhile he'll find a flash light and want to go on an adventure looking for wild animals.

Jann said...

What creative boys you have. Poor Hannah, that is just no fun.