Friday, September 12, 2008

It's hard being 2

Weston is going through a phase....the two-year-old phase. Most of the time he is very loving and happy, but the rest is not so happy. He seems to want everything that Hannah touches, even if it is a dirty diaper. He thinks he needs to play with everything she is playing with. He also gets really upset if something is not freakin' (he means working, but that is what his version sounds like). And he is really starting to tease Caden back. I keep telling Caden that he needs to be careful. Weston will be bigger than him someday. But this is what happens when you have an older brother that likes to tease you while you are sleeping on the couch (you get a pot handcuffed to your arm).

As you can see, I forced Caden to be in the picture. He was hiding in between the ottoman and the couch, so I simply placed my foot on his stomach to hold him down. He was reaching for the pillow to hide himself.....but, no such luck!

Weston likes to give kisses and he likes getting kisses, most of the time. He has decided if he doesn't like the kiss you gave him, he will spit on his hand and rub it over the kiss. I'm not sure where he picked that up. But, today is what I am most puzzled about. We were getting ready to go to the grocery store when Weston headed into the bathroom and turned on the water in the sink. He started crying/screaming for me to help him. When I entered the bathroom I could see that he was trying to climb into the sink. I thought he just wanted to wash his hands better. But, as I picked him up, he lowered his head down into the water. He told me he wanted his hair wet. After he wet his hair, I went to brush his hair and he did not like that. He insisted that he re-wet his hair after the brush touched it. So, back into the bathroom we went, and into the sink went his head. I finally got him out in the car and this is how he went to the store.

It's hard being 2.


PBM&C said...

I just "love" those phases! (Sarcasm....I know, I'm supposed to break away from it....sorry, can't do it here!). You are a good sport Sarah....{{sigh}} will pass!

Jann said...

You just gotta love that two year old logic. I can laugh at it now that I am past that stage, but man was it frustrating for me.

mrs. timberlake said...

not there yet.



Unknown said...

It is hard being two, but they're so dang cute! You really get to see their little personalities!

Jake said...

How did you get so lucky to have such funny kids! Can you email me your home address? I still have your address from your apt on Gilbert.

P.S. How is Twilight coming along?