Thursday, August 14, 2008

New addict in the making

We all know that Michael is addicted to diet drinks....either coke or pepsi. He probably drinks a total of 2 gallons a day. Michael even has a diet drink when he wakes up in the morning. I constantly tease him that he is going to die of some weird throat cancer because of his addiction. Now, I don't think of myself as an addict. But, I love to get myself one coke a day. Hannah has caught on to this trend and wants her own. I have even caught Michael pouring small amounts of coke in to his lid and then letting Hannah sip it out. He has done this with every one of our kids.

So, to my story. As I was checking my email, I could hear Hannah starting up the "mad scream". She does this when there is something she wants. This can be something you take away from her or just something she sees that she cannot reach. I went to the rescue to see what she wanted.......and Daddy had propped his coke cup up in the pillows. I had to take a video. Enjoy!


Jann said...

It is good to see that the Bast family tradition will not die with this new generation. That video is completely funny.

Jake said...

I do the same thing when I want something. It usually isnt because I cant reach it or someone has taken it from me; it's just because I don't want to get up and get it for my self. Maria will usually get it for me just to shut me up.

mrs. timberlake said...

I can relate.
The girls have figured out anything that has a straw is much better than whatever they have.

Great video, and great job blogging lately... you are on a roll.

mrs. timberlake said...

I just read your comment.
You are cute.

I am a dork.
But, you... you are cute.

PBM&C said...

Oh little miss moo! She might be little miss cola soon. Hilarious!