I also have not been in the mother-of-the-year club this summer. I never seemed to be camera ready for anything, thus I don't have many pictures. We did visit St. Johns a couple of times. While staying at grandma's house, Weston managed to quietly get him self up in the morning and not bother to wake anyone. When I awoke that morning, I found the house to be a disaster. He had eaten an ice cream sandwich for breakfast and left the remaining LARGE portion on the carpet to melt. Grandma's sewing machine had been played with and thread was strewn throughout the kitchen. My purse had been completely emptied and everything taken out of my wallet. You get the picture. Later that same day, I was changing his diaper and noticed this really large booger in his nose. But, as I looked closer, I realized it was not a booger. It was a shiny pearl that he somehow managed to stick up his nose. I panicked and called grandpa. He is the one with the medical skills and should be able to get the pearl out. But, as I calmed down, I figured I could have him try to blow his nose to retrieve it. After a couple of hard blows, the pearl was lodged in his nostril.....TA-DA! That was hilarious. I wish a had a camera for that one.
Just a couple of weeks ago, Weston hid my glasses that were sitting next to my bed. I asked him several time to find my glasses or show me where they were. I looked everywhere all day long, and nothing! Michael then told Weston that he would give him some pennies if he found mommy's glasses. Weston trampled up the stairs and 30 seconds later came down with the infamous glasses in his hand. Of course he was laughing while descending the stairs knowing all along that his trick had worked!
I realize that I never really write anything about Caden or Hannah. I guess they are just in the boring stages of life. Caden just read his Harry Potter books (he is almost done with the 7th) and played games all summer. He takes care of himself. Hannah is just cute. She doesn't do much but eat, sleep, and poop. Oh, and scream. But, Caden did start school this last Monday as well as football. He is a busy boy!
Life couldn't be better....I am enjoying every hectic minute of it! Here are a few pictures over thelast few months! I especially love the nursing pads!
LOVE LOVE LOVE Hannah's orange polka dot pjs!!!! Love the pictures. Love the post. You are a busy busy woman, but the blogging world needs to hear about your daily adventures. Thanks for the post. You are off the hook for about, oh let's say a week.
AND most importantly congrats to Mike for graduating. :) BOOYAH WOOT WOOT and HOORAH!
Way to go Mike. That is awesome!
I love the pictures. Man, Caden is already in school? My kids still have two more weeks of freedom.
er uh, hello.... it's been a few days.... new week.... new post, please... don't want to get behind now.
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