Monday, February 8, 2010


Well, here I am trying to get back on the blogging wagon.....once again. Maybe I am just not meant for this? I like doing it, because it is some form of journal keeping for me. I really want to print this baby out some day and make a book out of it for my kids. So, I guess it would also be my form of scrapbooking as well.

I am going to blame all of this M.I.A. business on Young Women's. I know I shouldn't, but I want to. I was called to be the secretary at the end of October. I figured I could do it....not much to it, right? Wrong. The Young Women's president is a fabulous women, but she holds high standards that I am still trying to reach. So, all of that combined with the Holiday Season was very busy.

I went through all of my pictures that I have taken over the last while and picked a few in regards to what I have been doing. Nothing is in order and I don't have the patience to try and fix it right now. Which brings me to thinking....maybe I shouldn't be the secretary?

What have I been doing?

That is my life in a nutshell over the past while. I loved the Holiday Season and I am sad to see that Summer is creeping up on us. I don't think I am ready for the A/C to be on 24/7.


The Chambers said...

woo hoo!!! you have no clue how happy this made me! I've been in such a withdrawal not seeing pictures of your guys and hearing what you have been up to. First, those personal progress things turned out AMAZING! you should seriously sell them on Etsy...for A LOT. I really really want to make them for my girls here. BAD! You are perfect for the calling I am sure. You bring so much to the table...DO NOT doubt yourself! So fun to see all those pictures. Holidays were a blast. Can't wait for the next time we get to be together!!! Hope all is well! MISS YOU like crazy! :o)

Camille said...

It was fun to get a little update about the fun stuff you are up to. I'm sure the YW presidency really appreciates having you, those projects you've done look really great. What fun ideas.

Your little family looks great, I like your "non professional picture." You look just the same as you did in college, Amazing!

Unknown said...

I am so with you on summer... It's hot here as it is! lol!

Aww... I'm sure you are a wonderful secretary. Don't let anyone else make you think less of yourself. YOU were called by God, not by anyone else and He'll help you do what needs to be done. The wants can get left by the wayside.

But, please-oh-please, help me out here. I just got called as YW president and I don't even know what a secretary is supposed to do! Maybe you could email me and enlighten me? I haven't gotten a manual yet.

Do I get a vote on whether you keep blogging or not? I don't care if it's sporadic. I say YEA!

Hmm... Did I cover everything? You're probably saying "I hope so!" Hehe!

Melissa P said...

I have the same blog isssue, except I got put in the Primary Presidency. I am over scouts and it is so crazy. I love the picture rundown. At least you tried to catch up. I just neglect my blog. It sounds like you have been way busy though. I am sure you do a great job.

PBM&C said...

I am so glad that you found a moment to bring us up to speed on what has been going on (with pictures). Once again, I must say, you are so EXTREMELY talented and there is no doubt that there is a reason that you were called to serve in YW. Believe it or not, secretarys are not always "organized" in a manner that you are imagining. You are "organized" have what is needed to give to the YW in your ward right now. They are soooooo lucky!

I love the pictures....all of them.....especially of the family and all their activities! (except...michael's injuries...yuck....when will he stop that crazy sport?). the snow suits are classic!

Love you sis!

Kate said...

Sarita! I am super impressed! You inspire me. Need I say more? Well, I did want to tell you that yeaterday I was driving in the car, feeling pretty cheerful, Clayton in the backseat, singing to the radio- and that joyful moment made me think of you. Miss you! You are amazing!

Jann said...

It is so good to see an update. I love all the pictures.

You absolutely can use YW as an excuse. It has totally slowed down my blogging too.

mrs. timberlake said...

oh. my. gosh.

sarah, i would be mia too if I had been making such cute creations. those are the bomb, sarah. love them.

mike's knees are nasty.

and your fam pictures are so cute.

thanks for coming back to the land of blogging.

JD and Elena said...

Hi - I found your blog through Nichole and Matt Glen, my name is Elena. I am also in the YW in my ward, and I think our girls would LOVE the tri-fold book holders you made. Those are so cute!! Is there a way to would be willing to share a pattern or instrucations of how to do it? My email is If you ever have some extra time and are able to share your wisdom; I would be so grateful!

You've got some really cute ideas and talents! Thanks for posting and sharing!