Monday, February 1, 2010

Dont Get Excited!

It's not Sarah posting, so I am sure 3/4 of you are going to hit the back button right now, but for those of you that decide to stay and read on.... well, I am going to take you back to the fifth grade and give you a word problem.
Here it is:
"Train M is traveling in, hopefully, a northern direction. It has been traveling for 33 years. It is an odd train, beset by silly notions and a bizarre sense of humor that makes it travel in a senseless pattern at times. It will reach its destination, hopefully later than sooner, but if the Peanut Butter Swirl Ice Cream has anything to say, it will be sooner.
So if Train M has been click clacking itself on a non creative track for some time now, how long before it goes bonkers and follows a ridiculous whim of writing a set of stories about battle hardened Unicorns fighting mankind for planetary domination?....... "
Do you want to take a guess?
To find out the answer click here.


mrs. timberlake said...

you lost me at :word problem:

and yes, i was excited. key word being was.

come back to us, sarah.

El Golden Stallion said...

Sorry Miss Amy, I forgot that the 5th grade was a hard two years for you. :)