Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Part I

My house looks like a complete disaster and I feel like I could just fall on my bed and sleep for 15 hours at this very moment. But, I promised to be back within the week and Michael is telling me that I need to blog.

I do have a lot to share...just where to begin and what pictures out of the hundreds do I share? My first "mini-vacation" was during the week of the 24th up in St. Johns. My beautiful and sweet sister-in-law was good enough to travel all the way from Oklahoma to fulfill our wishes. I miss that girl every day and it was so good to spend a week with her!

We did so many fun things while we were there. We played at the pool several times. This even included some water aerobics with all the women. It makes me giggle just thinking about it. It really is so enjoyable and quite a workout! We also took the kids a few times during family swim and they loved playing in the water with Aunt Lollie.

Michael's cousin Ben brought his boat up and took us out on the lake for some fun tubing and skiing. After a few rounds on the tube Ben asked if we were done. My most intelligent husband responded with, "You haven't thrown me off yet!" I know I was in for it then. But, Michael got the worst of it with a face plant and bruises on his lips. Serves him right, I guess. And he never took pictures of me skiing. I've decided that is because he can't ski. He is very competitive and the fact that his wife can out do him in something is a little embarrassing....or A LOT!

We all went to the parade and enjoyed the floats. Caden was wrangled in to being a part of the pooper scoopers behind all the horses. I could tell he did not like us yelling his name out as he passed with a shovel full of horse poop! What a sport. And every year they end the parade with the fire truck shooting out tons of water getting all the spectators wet. So much fun!

Weston loves when Uncle Scott is around with his "truck". Scott is always so nice and offers to take him on a ride.

Hannah loved playing with Lollie. They played the piano, jumped on the trampoline, and even got some beads out to make some bracelets.

I caught Weston doing this SEVERAL times. I was lucky my camera was close just once. Seriously! Boys and the freedom of relieving themselves out in the open. I'll never understand.
Honestly, I can't think of a better picture to end this post with. We loved spending time with everybody and miss them all!


Ellen Rae said...

I love the pictures. It was sooooo much fun having all of you here. It went way to fast. I'm glad you are blogging again. I can't wait to see your Utah pictures.

Unknown said...

OMG! I love all of these pictures! WESTON! That picture had me rollin on the floor. I am glad you guys got to come up! It was so fun to see ya and lollie cakes. Love you!

Melissa P said...

Boating and vacations are a blast but I understand you wanting to sleep. I always feel more exhausted when I get home. I love the picture of your little guy using the bathroom. When we were potty training #2 he would do that in the front yard. My neighbor kids would come tell me he was peeing in the flowers, I was just glad it wasn't in his pants.

mrs. timberlake said...

are you still washing dirt off from lyman lake?

man that is some b r o w n

thank you for putting blogging above sleeping.

Todd, Lara, Aubrey, and Graham said...

Oh my goodness, that picture of Weston is hilarious. Spencer always says "the world is my bathroom". It must be a guy thing.

The Chambers said...

SARAH!!! where in the world have you been?! I have been worried and have been missing your blog. YAY! back to normal life now. 1) LOVED all the pictures, oh my word I miss you all so much. I wish we could just freeze time or go back and do it again and again. I miss my you so much and those beautiful children...I HAVE to come again this semester, I just HAVE to! It sounds like you have been super busy, but are enjoying being back home to "normal" life. tra' is very competitive too, but he would at least take a picture of me {I think}. Michael's a bumb...he's just jealous because he's not as pretty as you. Yes, tell him I said that. Well my lady, I will be calling you someday soon, I miss your voice. Hope all is well, you totally just made my horrible day awesome from this post! MISS YOU! LOVE YOU!

Jann said...

What fun you had. I love SJ at the 24th celebration. Just so much fun. Very cute pictures.

Denys said...

Loving the pics. LOL on quite a few of them. Hannah is getting so old! and looking a lot like Weston. Sounds like an awesome trip.

Jeremy Shorts said...
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Jandi said...

Hey Sarah! It's been a while since I've checked blogs, so I thought I'd drop in and see what you're up to. Looks like you've had a busy summer! Is it just me, or did this year seem to fly by? It seems like just yesterday I was promising everyone on my blog I'd be better at keeping up since Jeremy was helping me out with updates. Hmmmm.....that was in like January. It's September! This year has been so insane! I can't believe we're almost to Christmas again!

Your family is so cute, and it's so fun to catch up on what you're up to when I actually get on this darn computer! Do you ever come to Utah? It would be so fun to see you again! It's only been, what 11-12 years? Too long!

The Skeehan Family said...

OH my gosh, that last picture of Weston is HILARIOUS. Gotta love boys :)

And Hannah's dress is so pretty - is that an Ellen original? If not, where did you get it?!

So enjoyed spending time with you up there - need to get together down here to... I know, I know, crazy idea, but it just might work.