Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Finally a new post!

I have not posted in quite some time and I am feeling a little guilty! I have been very busy sewing these past couple of weeks. I decided to open up a little etsy shop on the internet, thus the sewing has taken much of my free time. But, I love to do it! It has really been an outlet for me and my almost non-existent creativity. Weston is still getting in to everything and anything. Hannah is growing so fast! She just turned six months on the 20th. She is becoming really frustrated with not being able to get around. Here is a little video of her desperately trying to crawl.

Here is another cute video of Weston playing peek-a-boo with Hannah. He loves to do this with Daddy and Mommy when he can. He covers our eyes and says, "Where Daddy go?"


Jann said...

Man, she is so mad. I hope she gets her way soon and can crawl. Although then you have to watch everything she does.

PBM&C said...

Oh my goodness! They are growing soooo fast! They are so cute! Hannah will get it soon....her cousin is doing the same thing! When they do crawl, I am certain that we will wish that they couldn't!