Wednesday, November 4, 2009


This face says it all when it comes to Halloween. My kids love Halloween. I do too. But, I have to say it was kind of a nice year. Weston insisted on being Spiderman. That meant store bought and a lot less sewing. I love sewing, but when I have a deadline....not so much. I decided to stick with the superhero theme and made Hannah Super Woman. I am glad I did, because there were no other little girls with the same costume. Caden wanted to be Link from Zelda. Almost everyone thought he was Robin Hood. I guess we are geeks that are stuck in the world of Nintendo. Aren't there any other Zelda lovers out there?

We traveled up to St. Johns for Halloween and enjoyed the chilly weather! It was really cold so my little Hannah had to wear clothes under her costume to keep her warm. St. Johns had a little Halloween parade where the kids marched in their costumes from the Court House down to Main Street and then up to the park where they served hot dogs. It was really fun to see the kids enjoying each others costumes.

That evening the city had a trunk-or-treat that was not so great, so we still went house to house for some goodies. All in all it was a really fun Halloween to spend with Grandparents!

Hannah as Wonder Woman.
Caden as Link.

The kids walking in the parade.

Weston, Hannah and cute cousin Aubrey.